Yale -HEC Future of the Car Forum in Beijing

December 11, 2018 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Asia/Shanghai
HEC Paris France


Co-hosted by Yale Club of Beijing, HEC Paris Alumni Beijing Chapter and Yale Center Beijing.

活动介绍/Event Description

未来的智能化汽车是汽车产业与人工智能、物联网和高性能计算等新一代信息技术深度融合的产物,是当前全球汽车与交通出行领域智能化和网联化发展的主要方向,并成为各国争抢的战略制高点。未来的智能化汽车将为出带来哪些改变?车企面临的最新机遇和挑战有哪些? 在12月11日的论坛上,我们邀请到几位来自于这个领域的专家一起畅想汽车的未来。


December 11, Tuesday


6:30-7:00 pm

演讲与问答/Talk and Q&A

7:00-9:00 pm

**The language of this event will be Chinese.**

The future of smart vehicle is the product of the deep integration of the automotive industry and the next generation of information technologies like artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and high-performance computing. Smart vehicle is the main direction of the development of intelligent transportation. What changes will the future intelligent car bring to our daily travel? What are the latest opportunities and challenges for car companies? Three experts will join this forum and share their views and opinions about the future of the car.